4 Verses to Start Bible Journaling

It's so easy to talk about washi tape and journaling Bibles and paints when it comes to Bible journaling. We can give you all of the tools you need to get started, share our favorite tips and tricks, and teach you how to watercolor on the pages, but if we’re not keeping our focus on the reason for why we Bible journal, then we’ve lost our way. It’s so important to remember the heart behind this beautiful hobby that we all love so much, and that’s getting to know God and His Word on a deeper level – lingering longer in the Word.
So while we’ve shared with you the tools that you need to get started, today we’re sharing with you four verses straight out of God’s Word that are the perfect jumping off point for those of you that are new to Bible journaling, or just anyone who feels a little stuck and doesn’t know where to start! Illustrate what you see in the text, take notes in the margins of your Bible, or journal what you feel that God is teaching you through these verses.
He has numbered the stars and He calls them each by name! This passage gives such beautiful imagery of the ways that God provides for us, loves us, and delights in us! For this passage, note how many different ways that it describes Him providing for us. He builds, He builds, He gathers, He heals, He binds, and the list goes on and on. How blessed are we to have a Father that has made a way for us!
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Take a moment to read through this passage and listen to what God is teaching you. Think of all of the beauty that surrounds us, the blue sky, the new flowers blooming in springtime, the first winter snow. The Lord has made everything beautiful in His good and perfect timing, including us. Close your eyes and see what you can take away here.
“Let your light shine before others.” Isn’t this our mission as believers? Share God’s love with those around us and shine a light in the darkness? This passage is lovely in that it describes God’s will for us as His followers with imagery that brings images of light and beauty. What do you take away from this passage? What can you feel God showing you? Take notes, highlight and underline, draw a picture!
“The truth shall set you free.” We are no longer slaves to sin because we have a God that saved us and delivered us from this into freedom! What comes to mind when you imagine the idea of freedom? A soaring bird? A wide open field? Use these images as a starting point and start creating in your Bible! Look up words that you may be unfamiliar with or that you want to go deeper on. Jot down your thoughts and then dig in!
We hope these Bible verses will spark something in you today. Even if only ONE verse speaks to you, let it just be a starting point for the wildfire God is igniting in your heart.
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