“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” MATTHEW 13:16 NIV 

Have you heard those stories of the man and woman who started out as friends and eventually realized that they were made to be together forever? At the right time, God opened their eyes. Or have you ever dropped something small on the floor—a pill, a contact, a nose ring—and then had trouble seeing it to retrieve it? (Especially if it’s the contact, am I right?) 

Sometimes there is something right in front of us, and we don’t see it. And that can be true for us as we purpose to build a life that we love with God. Maybe we loved to dance when we were younger, but we stopped dancing years ago. Or perhaps we’re in the habit of offering rides to friends and neighbors and students and those from church who have special challenges, and we’ve never given it much thought. Or on occasion we might hit the craft store and get what we need to make a pair of earrings, and we are in our happy place. 

I want to suggest that discovering the gift of you might be closer than you thinkSo turn on the music and dance. Embrace your call to “transportation ministry.”  Commit to making time to create once or twice a month. I want you to pay attention to what gives you life, and choose to walk in that way. 

Make three columns: Past, Present, and Future. Remember where you’ve found joy in the past, notice where you’re enlivened today, and even list the things you’ve meant to try but haven’t yet embraced.   

God, I long to see what You have for me, and I confess I need You to open my eyes. Show me where I might be neglecting the opportunities that are right in front of me. Amen.