
Your word of the year is connection! Connection is a huge part of how God created us - connection with Him, connection with each other, connection with the rest of His creation. So what does this word mean when it comes to 2023 and beyond? Let's take a deeper look at connection and faith-filled community through the lens of God's Word.

Community means we win together and lose together. We cheer each other on, hold each other up, and keep Jesus at the center of it all. 

“A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” ECCLESIASTES 4:12 NIV  

In our busy world the question naturally becomes, “Why bother coming together?” We’ve been taught to look out for number one, to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, and that we can be anything we want to be... all by ourselves. Relationships are messy, complicated, and downright painful at times. It seems like the risk could outweigh the reward. To answer that question, let’s look at the analogy of the cord or rope. 

First, a rope is created to help withstand tension. Most of us are familiar with the game of tug-of-war. A group grabs each end of the rope and pulls with all their might. Whoever drags their opponent across a line in the middle wins. But the participant that always seems to get the worst of it is the rope itself. It has to deal with demands from both sides. It gets stretched in opposing directions. It has constant stress. Does that sound like anyone else’s life? 

Our world is like a big game of tug-of-war. The needs of our families pull on us. Then a work deadline comes, and we have to stretch in that direction. We look for relief at church and instead sometimes feel like we’re given a list of expectations that yank us into guilt. How can we survive all this? We need other “strands” to help us bear the weight. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” In other words, without community, we snap.  

We need to be able to send a text that says “having a bad day – please pray.” Maybe meet with a friend (or two) over coffee and get gut-honest about the struggle we’re facing. Even invite a few people over for dinner and let the laundry wait while we remember what it’s like to laugh. We can’t take the tension of life all by ourselves. We need to share it with others or be pulled to pieces.  

What kind of friend do you want to be for others? What scares you most about connecting? What is a truth from Scripture that can help you overcome fear? How has God been a faithful friend to you? 

As you consider the community God has placed in your life, pray that God will work to smooth edges and create friendships equipped to do the heavy lifting of life – together.  

This year, let God guide you into faith-centered community and connection with Him and others. He is with you always, and because of that, you can face anything that life brings your way. DaySpring has products and resources just for you to help you stay connected and feel God's presence in 2023. Start each morning in His Word with the new Thinline Reference Bible from the DaySpring Signature Collection. Pick up books and devotionals to help you deepen connection and community such as We’re Still in This, a 90-day devotional about navigating happy relationships, Just Open the Door, to equip you in hospitality, Craving Connection for stories of real-life connection and relationships, and We Saved You a Seat for creating and keeping lasting friendships. 

Looking for more? DaySpring has hundreds of products and resources to help you experience and express the life-changing message of God's love.