Daily devotion

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” MATTHEW 6:28-29 NIV
Let’s start with a story that sheds light on why we should thoughtfully consider our living space: when Keyari found herself suddenly single after seven years of marriage, she leased an apartment near her workplace. Until then, Keyari and her husband had been living in a place that was already furnished. So as her friends helped her move all her things into the new apartment, she realized that during her marriage she had never made the space they shared feel like home. Keyari knew that for this season of her life it was really important to her to create a space that felt like a home where she could flour-ish. And so she purposed to make her new space one that delighted her soul.
As you are being intentional about discovering the gift of you, I encourage you to consider the space in which you live. Maybe you’ll blow up some of your favorite photos from childhood and print them on canvases for your wall. Maybe you’ll get a scented candle at the dollar store. When one friend of mine entered a season of life she wouldn’t have chosen, she posted great big letters over her bed that announced: B-E-L-O-V-E-D.
When God adorned the fields with flowers, He chose beauty! I’m encouraging you to be intentional about your environment. It matters.
As you think about your environment, what features bring you joy? And if you could change your space, what would you change?
God, You are the author of all that is beautiful, and You designed us to delight in beauty. Show me how to live well in the space where I find myself today. Amen.
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