You are Loved

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NLT)




The other day I learned that a friend of mine is dating someone new. She told me that they’ve been friends for a while and that, finally, he appears to like her. Before I could send her all the confetti and heart-eyed emojis to celebrate this fun update, she followed up her news with a long list of questions.


“But why does he like me? How could he? I’m so selfish and stubborn and . . .”


Her doubts went on for a while before I broke in to remind her of her many good attributes and the fact that it’s not impossible that someone could care for her so much that all those “bad” things don’t matter.


At first, I shook my head at my friend. But then I thought of how many times—and how deeply—I’ve wondered how God could possibly love me.


“But why does He like me? How could He? I’m so selfish and stubborn and…”


Sometimes, trying to comprehend God’s love can leave me bewildered and insecure. As I consider the Creator of this universe, the One who sees all and knows all, the One who holds the entire world in His hand—and He loves me? And not just in a vague or distant sort of way, but in a highly specific and incredibly intimate way? Well, it’s baffling! And maybe even feels impossible at times.


But it’s true.


God loves me—and He loves you. Not despite who we are, but fully acknowledging and accepting who we are. Not when we get our act together or live up to our potential, but every moment since the beginning through the end of time, no matter what. He loves us without reservation, without conditions, and without end.


He loves us enough to send His son to this broken planet to take our place and our punishment, to rewrite our stories, to redeem every single part of us. He loves us enough to follow us to the ends of the earth—and He did. Why? I still don’t quite know. But His love for us, in all its glory, is as undeniable as it is unimaginable.


And that’s the best news anyone could ask for.


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