You are Important

What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 

So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

(Matthew 10:29-31, NLT)




My family has attended our church for more than a decade, and over the years I’ve been fairly active in the congregation. For a short time, I even worked for the church. I remember distinctly how important I felt during that season.


Each Sunday morning I’d arrive early to help out in one area or another, and as I’d walk through the halls, I’d occasionally feel like I was in a parade. Every person I passed recognized me and said hello, and I replied, wishing them a good morning or asking if I could help them in any way. When people had questions, I had answers. I knew things, and they needed me.


I felt important then. But when I let myself compare those Sunday mornings to my more recent ones, the discrepancy is startling. If I’m not careful, I can walk in, sit through service, and walk out without having a single conversation.


Oh sure, I smile and say hello. Others wave from across the aisle or down the hallway. I thank my daughter’s teacher and tell the volunteers at the snack table to have a good week. But in this season, where my involvement is more behind the scenes and all I have to offer is myself, I can easily be in and out without connecting with anyone. Because I’m not currently the person who knows things or the one people turn to for help, I’ve pulled back and wondered, Do I matter? Would anyone notice if I stopped showing up? Am I still important?


It turns out I only felt important when other people assigned value to my service, to my ability to answer questions, to my role as a leader, an employee, or an active volunteer. And it was only when I recognized this that I realized I was looking in all the wrong places for my worth.


Who am I? Do I matter? Am I important? We all ask these questions. And if we’re looking at the world for our answers, those answers are going to change as often as the weather. The world will tell us we’re important when we have something tangible to offer, when we meet its expectations, when we know things and have answers, when we can be held up to a set of criteria and check off every box.


Volunteers? Check.

Attends meetings? Check.

Makes the best snacks or takes the best photos? Check.

Has a clean house with Pinterest-perfect décor? Check.

Hosts the book club (and actually reads the book)? Check.

Got the promotion? Balanced the budget? Made the speech? Check.


But what happens when we don’t have answers or meet the criteria? What happens when life is too heavy or chaotic, when we’re sick, when we’re the ones who need help, when we’re tired? Do we matter then?


Yes! Yes, we matter. You matter. You are important.


Your value is not determined by how much you know or give or do. Your worth is not defined by how many people know your name or how many pats on the back you receive. You matter because you are a child of God. You are important because He says you are.


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