How to Bless Your Worship Leader

» Write a heartfelt thank-you note. Express your gratitude with a beautifully designed greeting card specifically created for ministry appreciation. Want to add a little something extra? Our collection of ministry appreciation gifts includes mugs, journals, and more to inspire and encourage.
» Enter in. The worship leader’s task is to map out a path to the throne of God that others can follow. The highest compliment you can pay him or her, is to draw near to God yourself during worship. Much like choosing a good pair of running shoes, use the music & words as tools for running toward God with all of your heart. For a worship leader, there’s no feeling quite like a room full of passionate worshipers loving Him together.
» Find their favorite lyrics. Every worship leader has a favorite song (or two) that continues to lift them up over and over again. Find out his or her favorite song lyrics and write them into a card, or find a card or gift product that includes them in the design.
» Use your words. If the message of a song or set of songs is exactly what your heart feels on a particular day – take a moment to send a card, Ecard or email, or talk face to face with the leader.
» Simply acknowledge. Many fellowships have a pianist or organist who provides prelude or postlude music during a service. Their contribution is designed to blend into the background, setting the tone for a worshipful experience. A thank you card may remind him or her that the Lord sees them, and that their contribution truly matters.
» Remember the team. A worship team functions best when there’s a sense of unity among members. The bass player, drummer, vocalist, or pianist also devotes time and prayer to their purpose. It’s important for them to be ready and right before the Lord as well. If you hear a good instrumental run or a beautiful voice, by all means let them know. But also include them in the overall celebration of a powerful worship set leading the fellowship into God’s presence.
» Encourage their ministry. Gift cards to iTunes, instrument stores, or their music source of choice are a fun way to bless a worship leader or team member.
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