Today Is Your Best Day Because Jesus Is 103 Percent

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet He did not sin. HEBREWS 4:15 NLT

Everything around you is flawed and imperfect, today is your best day because you have Jesus. Jesus is 100 percent perfect in all His ways, in all He is, and in all He does. Think of it—the perfect Son of God left heaven, came to earth as a man, and lived among us.

In His nature and character, Jesus is without fault or flaw. He is completely faithful. He will never fail you, He cannot fail you, and He will not fail you. Every promise He has made is true; there is not one lie or exaggeration in anything that He has ever said. Today, Jesus is your 100 percent Savior.

Jesus did not let you down when He lived on earth; He did not let you down when He died on the cross; He did not let you down when He rose from the dead; He did not let you down when He was seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus will not let you down today.

Jesus is 100 percent perfect in all His ways, in all He is, and in all He does.


This is an excerpt from Because of Jesus by Roy Lessin. Shop our books to read more devotions just like this one.