Known and Loved

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. (Zephaniah 3:17) 

No one on this earth knows you like you do. No one knows every memory you hold, every thought you think, every dream you tuck away. No one feels that painful lump in your throat when you’re fighting back tears, and no one knows exactly what it does to you when you hear a certain song or see a breathtaking sunset. No one on this earth knows. 

But the One who made this earth knows you from the inside out ... delights in your particular, quirky laugh .. . feels all the joy that moves through you .. . sits with you in silence when you have no words ... and hears exactly what you’re saying with your heart. 

Find peace in that today, dear one. Especially if you’re feeling disconnected, misunderstood, or underappreciated. You are known. Every little bit of you. And you are loved just exactly as you are. 

It’s an indescribable gift to be known and loved by you, exactly as I am. 

My heart is forever yours, Lord Jesus. 

Paige Deruyscher/Shanna Noel 

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