How Firm a Foundation

For no one can lay any foundation other than the One we already have—Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3:11 NLT 

Retirement is one of those elusive milestones we may not often think about when we’re younger (besides some early financial planning!), but as we get older, we begin to realize that it’s not as far down the road as we thought. Today, retiring can look very different than it used to. For many, it’s not a permanent vacation. Images of endless days lounging at the beach or on the couch are replaced by continued activity of some kind. Of course, pursuing lifelong dreams, taking up hobbies, and traveling are all part of that, but a lot of people continue to find purpose in some kind of work. They may volunteer or find another job after leaving their “real” one, whether out of necessity, the desire to serve, or the need to feel like they still have some kind of significance. Regardless, one of the greatest challenges many retired people face is letting go of what has been a big part of their identity. The role they filled, their work relationships, even the routine they may have had for years—it all changes, and that can make a person feel a little (or a lot!) disoriented. Unfortunately, our culture doesn’t help much with this stage in life. Its obsession with youth and the fear of growing older or less “relevant” can make people feel hesitant about aging and all that comes with it. The classic hymn “How Firm a Foundation” reminds us that, as Christians, we have a solid place to stand no matter what we’re going through. We have a purpose that transcends any job title or sense of identity. It began when we came to know Christ, and it exists for all eternity. We live to glorify God and share the love He has given us through His Son: 

E’en down to old age all My people shall prove 
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; 
And then, when grey hairs shall their temples adorn, 
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne. 

Even if we haven’t yet reached retirement age, it’s never too early to strengthen our identity in Christ. The more firmly we are rooted in Him, believing what He says about us instead of what the world proclaims, the less our transitions will shake us—because we know who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re headed. We can rest assured that whatever happens on the way can never change that glorious truth. 

Lord, help me to remember that I am Yours at every age. You’re the One in whom I find my truest identity, and nothing will ever change who I am in You. I lift up anyone who may be currently going through the transition of retirement. I pray they’ll be reminded that the world will never truly determine their worth—only You can do that. Thank You for being our firm foundation, no matter what we experience in life. May I always live out my purpose as a vessel for Your love. Amen. 

Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine: Old-Time Devotions for Fresh Starts 

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