Have Faith in God

It’s been said that if your faith is dependent on a certain outcome, you are sure to lose it. So if God answers a prayer and your faith is conditioned to the answer, be assured your faith will shrink. If faith is placed on a condition rather than in God, it will fail because He is the only immovable, infallible source of fullness there is.

God’s ways don’t always make sense, but they are always good. His answers aren’t always what we want to hear, but they are what they are for our best welfare. His provision, no matter what form it takes, is perfect – always. Whatever He does is life-building and meant to increase our love and trust in Him who is faithful to the very end – even when we aren’t. So put faith where it belongs: not in a man-made condition but in our all-powerful God of creation.

Love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will prolong your days as you live in the land the Lord swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (Deuteronomy 30:20)

If some were unfaithful, will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Absolutely not! (Romans 3:3-4)

Your faithful love is higher than the heavens, and Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. God, be exalted above the heavens, and let Your glory be over the whole earth. (Psalm 108:4-5

Jesus replied to them, “Have faith in God.” (Mark 11:22)

Father, looking back, I can see times I’ve put my faith in other people and things that were not of You, and I harbor disappointment to this day. Please forgive me. Help me realign my faith in You and only You. 


This is an excerpt from 100 Days of Faith Over Fear by Lisa Stilwell - a brand new devotional book released by DaySpring publishing.  Learn more about this book, or shop other books from DaySpring.