Grace Is...

Grace is overlooking an offense. It is not seeking payback toward someone who’s wronged you. It’s covering someone else’s shortcomings with quiet love. It is paying someone else’s debt for nothing in return. Grace is stepping into someone else’s place when they aren’t able to be there. Grace is… Jesus taking on our sin before we ever even loved Him. Grace is what God extends to us each and every day.

It seems there are no words to express enough gratitude to equal the gift of grace, yet gratefulness is the best response. So begin today, and every day, with thanksgiving and gladness for God’s grace.

All creation, come praise the name of the LORD. Praise His name alone. The glory of God is greater than heaven and earth. (Psalm 148:13 CEV)

Now I [Paul] commit you to God and to the message of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified. (Acts 20:32)

But god proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8)

Where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more. (Romans 5:20)

Father, my life would be so broken and lost, even devastating, without Your grace covering my sin, my shortcomings, my faults, and my mistakes. Thank You from the depths of my heart for covering me with such a gift. Amen.

This is an excerpt from 100 Days of Grace & Gratitude by Shanna Noel and Lisa Stilwell - a devotional book released by DaySpring publishing.  Learn more about this book, or shop other books & devotionals from DaySpring.