Good, Bad, or Blessed

I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! Habakkuk 3:18 

So how’s your day going? Great, tough, smooth, rough . . . there are many ways we classify these sunup-to-sundown stretches of life. Some have an answer the moment they open their eyes—we can have that “wrong side of the bed” feeling from the start. We step into the morning and our suspicions are confirmed: Everything feels like a struggle. Or we might wake up feeling hopeful—the stage is set, and we just know we’re in for some happiness! 

We all understand that each day is a mixture of experiences and that we really can’t predict what the next twenty-four hours will hold. So how do we start counting more good days than bad? Well, maybe it’s not so black and white. Maybe we can choose, at the very least, to call every day “blessed.” If we open our eyes, we can’t deny that blessings are everywhere in our lives—even the smallest ones, even in the roughest times. 

God’s Word doesn’t advise us to try to control our outward circumstances so that we can produce a desired feeling. It’s just the opposite: We’re pointed inwardly first—to choose the attitude of our hearts no matter what life brings. The more we look through a lens of gratitude, the more reasons we will find to smile. And that’s where a blessed day really begins. 

Lord, open my eyes to the many ways you bless me every day. Help me never to take your love for granted. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Shanna Noel & Paige DeRuyscher 
100 Days of Prayer 

Looking for more inspiration? You can find hope & encouragement in God’s Word every day with the new DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible now available on!