Give His Way a Chance

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the LORD’s declaration. (ISAIAH 55:8 HCSB)

Not long ago I was searching for an old recipe I hadn’t made in years, and in my recipe file I found it—a stapled printout several pages long. Mingled in between the pages was an old email from the young woman who sent it to me thirteen years before. We used to work together, before I relocated to another job. The email was exchanged at a time when the company, where she still worked, had just been bought by a larger company, and many of the positions would be eliminated, including hers.

Part of my message to her said that, for some, the time would be an opportunity to pursue dreams and visions that had gone unfulfilled. For others, it would be a time of bewilderment. I then began to say how terrible it was that so many people would probably have to relocate. But then quickly went on to say that the Lord stopped me in my tracks and said, “I relocated you, and look at what a blessing it’s been.” Ouch. He was right.

Looking back, I had not wanted to move 2400 miles to a big city where I knew no one. I went out of obedience, and it turned out to be one of the best things ever to happen in my life. I’m still here today, fifteen years later.

Hindsight makes clearer than ever that when circumstances snowball into what seem like a giant mess, they are actually ways and means to a greater end. We don’t always understand why God works the way He does, but through all of His works, He is there. We need not doubt—He is with us in every step. We need not fear—He is in control. He will and He does strengthen and help us when we can’t see the way. His ways are not our ways. No, they are better.


Help me to not be so quick to judge the trials I face as bad. Help me to see them in a new light – a light that leads toward the working of Your hands, which is always a good thing. I want my belief in You to be whole, not just in part.

Thank You for loving me in all of Your ways. Amen.

This is an excerpt from God’s Truth for Troubled Times by Lisa Stilwell - a devotional book now available from DaySpring publishing. Learn more about this book, or shop other books & devotionals from DaySpring.