Feast of Kings

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:5-6) 

At this moment and for different reasons, all your important relationships seem on the rocks. Your mother is frustrated with your infrequent visits. Your neighbors complain about how you keep your yard. Your kids get mouthy when you make them put away their phones, and your spouse said something sarcastic that sent your mind spinning with anger and worry. They are not my enemies! you mentally remind yourself as you try to keep your composure through all the relational interactions. But sometimes it feels as if they really are your enemies, leaving you feeling isolated and alone, your heart in utter unrest. 

So picture this: All the people in your life who put different demands on you are standing in a circle around you. But in the center of it all, you’re seated at a table overflowing with incredible food. Beside you sits Jesus, the King of all creation. He has prepared this feast before you and offers an exclusive opportunity for you to dine with him—in perfect peace. Would you put everything else aside and focus on his favor, or would you continue to fret about everyone else around you? 

Where we place our focus determines our level of peace in the present moment. Psalm 23 tells us that God does, in fact, prepare tables of delight right in front of our enemies, and he invites us to come and sit in the comfort of his company—no matter what mayhem swirls around you. 

God, help me to turn my attention away from all that seems wrong and to see you—my Savior who faithfully stays by my side, supplying your abundant goodness in fellowship. In your name I pray, amen. 

Jennifer Gerelds 
Rest in Hope 

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