10 Ways to Share God's Love with Your Group

One of my favorite parts of leading a Bible study group, is the countless opportunities God gives me to love on my “Bible study girls”.

Over the years I’ve learned to embrace my role as a small group of Bible study leader in light of 1 Peter 5:2. I am to be a shepherd over God’s flock, lovingly watching over them.

We don’t “have-to” love others, we “get-to” love others.

How can we make God’s love known to the women in our group? Check out this list of easy-to-implement ideas that will shower your small group with God’s love.

  1. Pray for and with them. There is something comforting and powerful in the knowledge that someone is praying specifically for you. Collect and distribute weekly prayer requests from the group, but also be willing to stop the study (for a moment) to pray over an urgent need. 
  2. Randomly bless your women with a “happy”.  A “happy” is just an inexpensive treat or token that brings great joy or happiness to the recipient. Consider placing a peppermint patty, piece of wrapped chocolate, or a Bible verse at each attendee’s seat once a month. 
  3. Mail a handwritten note. I try to send every group member at least one handwritten note before the end of our time together. Write a word of encouragement, thank them for a specific time of transparent sharing, or include a Bible verse. It always touches them deeply. Keep a packet of cute notecardspostcards, and stamps on hand and ready-to-go. 
  4. Feed them. A full-out breakfast or table of snacks isn’t necessary each week, however you may wish to bless them with an extra treat at the beginning and end of your study. If at all possible, provide a pot of coffee and water each time you meet. It will be appreciated!
  5. Listen well. Women feel loved when they feel heard. Listen more than you talk. Don’t fall into the temptation to fill the silence. Give God time to soften hearts and for women to think through their response. 
  6. Stay connected between scheduled meetings. Be intentional to touch base with your group. Email them each week with a homework reminder and a word of encouragement. Give them a heads-up if this week’s homework is especially lengthy or challenging. Cheer them on! Let them know you’re praying for them and thinking of them. Your emails will be a blessing and an encouragement.
  7. Bless them with an end-of-the-class gift. I love to find small gifts that connect with the topic we’ve studied together. A travel mug, journal, or necklace can be a wonderful reminder of your time together. Note the title of your study and date with a permanent pen on the bottom of the gift or mug if possible.
  8. Arrive prepared. Preparation communicates an effort was made on their behalf. Women appreciate leaders who are organized and have a plan. Knowing that you spent time out of your busy schedule preparing for them – that’s humbling.
  9. Extend grace. Set the expectation of weekly attendance, but never make anyone feel less-than if they are unable to attend. God’s Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and He will use any time spent in Bible study for His glory. 
  10. Let them know they were missed. The three little words “we missed you” communicate “your presence matters.” Send them a quick text or drop them a note card in the mail to let them know you noticed they were absent. No guilt trip intended or needed – just a quick word to let them know they were missed.

When we model that others are more important than ourselves (as in Philippians 2:3), our women will take notice. These seemingly small things can make a big impact on how women feel about Bible study and ultimately about God. I find as I am intentional to love the women in my group, there is a ripple effect!  My love for the women in my group grows and my love for God grows.

Be sure to check out these other articles, for more encouragement and ideas on hospitality and leading a group.

Hosting An Illustrated Faith Workshop

Small Group Start Up Guide

Hosting An Illustrated Faith Girls' Night


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