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Birthday View All
  1. 14.9K Shares
    Woo Hoo!
  2. 18.3K Shares
    God's Goodness
  3. 23.2K Shares
    Unchanging Love
  4. 6.7K Shares
    God's Miracle
  5. 27.7K Shares
    Beauty Of Grace
  6. 21.8K Shares
    Beautiful Friend
Shareable Scripture View All
  1. 2.7K Shares
    In All Things
  2. 9.2K Shares
    Overflow With Hope
  3. 5.7K Shares
    Sound Mind
  4. 2.7K Shares
    Hold Fast
  5. 3.8K Shares
    Sufficient Grace
Encouragement View All
  1. 2.7K Shares
    In All Things
  2. 12.2K Shares
    God of All Grace
  3. 5.8K Shares
    Child of God
  4. 9.5K Shares
    God's Specialty
  5. 37K Shares
    A Little Sunshine
  6. 8.2K Shares
    Follow His Lead
Thank You View All
  1. 12.1K Shares
    Investing In Me
  2. 41.1K Shares
    Warmth and Joy
  3. 42.3K Shares
    Kind Words
  4. 13.8K Shares
    Many Blessings
  5. 30.6K Shares
    Willing Heart
  6. 15.6K Shares
    I'm So Thankful
  7. 3.9K Shares
    Grateful Hearts
Anniversary View All
  1. 9K Shares
    Love Ever After
  2. 8.1K Shares
    Blessed Marriage
  3. 38.6K Shares
    Heart of Marriage
  4. 13.6K Shares
    The Love You Share
  5. 12.2K Shares
    God's Best
  6. 4.7K Shares
    It's You I Love
DaySpring offers free Ecards featuring meaningful messages and inspiring Scriptures! Find shareable Ecards for all occasions, including Birthday Ecards, Thank You Ecards, Friendship Ecards and Encouragement Ecards. DaySpring Ecards are also a great way to bless friends and family at special moments with Hospitality Ecards, Christmas Ecards, Advent Ecards, Wedding & Engagement Ecards, Anniversary Ecards, K-Love Ecards,(in)courage Ecards, Max Lucado Ecards, Tony Evans Ecards, Shanna Noel Ecards, Really Woolly Ecards and more! You can also find free Animated Ecards, as well as funny Ecards – sure to brighten someone’s day.