Create in me a new, clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. PSALM 51:10 NLT 

There’s a wonderful group of volunteers who work to keep the shoreline litter free and clear of things that could be harmful to coastal wildlife. Their diligence restores the natural beauty of the beach and makes it pleasant for everyone to enjoy. Have you ever wondered what it would look like if they didn’t offer to do such a good and generous thing? In time, the clutter would make a typically beautiful place ugly and unappealing. It would be sad if our beaches were left unkept. It would diminish the splendor of one of the most magnificent gifts in God’s creation. 

The beauty of our lives can become dulled, too, if we don’t invite God to “create in us a new, clean heart.” Our heart can be many things. Humble and contrite or proud and arrogant. Hardened by rejection, shame, and sin, or soft and pliable in the hands of a loving God. Asking God to sweep our heart clean and renew our spirit is something we should do faithfully. The world and its distractions can make a mess of what grace made spotless. Spiritual maintenance keeps our life in the best possible shape for God to use—and we want usable, surrendered lives that make everyone want to meet Him. He’s always welcoming, always safe, and always beautiful. 

To wake up and know we’ve been chosen to shine God’s light in this world should make us excited about every sunrise. We should be thrilled about being loyal servants of the King of kings, and we should look forward to showing everyone what He’s like. He’s the heart-shaper who uses love, kindness, compassion, patience, gentleness and hope to clean out whatever has caused our hearts to believe anything other than the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and His works are marvelous. You’re a one-of-a-kind miracle, and God wrote some things into your day that only you can do. His design is flawless—and you are priceless. 

Father, cleanse my heart for Your glory and the things You’ve created me to do. Give me courage to bury the lies my heart believes with the truth of Your incredible love and grace. 

This is an excerpt from The Beach is Calling: 90 Devotions for Rest & Relaxationa devotional now available on Shop all books, journals, and devotions from DaySpring here.