The Gift of Faith: Inspiring Christian Gifts for Kids this Christmas

I’ve nearly raised four children; my older daughters are both in their twenties, and our twins at home are 17. Over the years, I’ve cherished pouring into their faith—giving them their first Bibles, living life with our church families, and being vulnerable with them by sharing my testimony and the grace and mercy God has shown me. I don’t do this because Scripture tells me to share the Lord with the next generation. It’s because I’m grateful for the good examples I had, who showed me who God is and how a relationship with Jesus is the most important one I’ll ever have. 

A few years ago, our oldest daughter started dating her now-husband, who had two small children, a boy and a girl. When we first met them, they were two and three, and it’s been wonderful to watch them grow over the years. Last year, when our daughter got married and I became a grandma to these two sweet children, I was overjoyed! It’s been fun getting to know them and watching them learn and grow, but it also brings a great responsibility to ensure I’m leaving a legacy of faith for the next generation. Buying them their first Bibles and taking them to church for the first time are experiences I’ll never forget, and I hope to continue being a good example as they grow older. 

Here are a few of my favorite gifts I’ve either given to my grandkids, purchased for them to keep at my house or plan to buy them this Christmas (shhhh!). I have had the most fun picking out items for little ones again, knowing they’ll plant seeds of faith in their hearts and help them grow closer to the Lord! I know the little ones in your life will love them just as much as my grandkids do! 

God Made Just One – 30 Piece Puzzle 

My grandkids absolutely love laying on the floor and doing puzzles, these ones with large pieces they can spread out are their favorites! This one, perfect for ages 3 and over, did not disappoint with the sweet characters and adorable design! I just love the verse we get to read when it’s put together, Jeremiah 29:11, reminding them that the Lord has a plan for their life, one that is good and they can put their hope in! God Made Just One is such a sweet series of books, games and plush toys reminding every child how God has created them to be His unique treasure. Find the full collection here. 

The Story of God by Jennie Allen – 5 Book Box Set 

My granddaughter thinks these are the best books, they’re full of vibrant colors that keep her attention while also telling the beautiful story of Creation to the return of Jesus. They prompt her to ask questions about the stories, and my favorite part is when she tells my son-in-law and daughter all about what she’s learned when she goes home!  

Her other favorite book we read together is He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands – Pop-up Book. Inspired by the nostalgic Sunday school song, she enjoys singing along while we flip through the fun pages. My favorite part is the surprise at the end where she can see herself in God’s hands with the mirror. She always giggles and says, “That’s me!” It just melts my heart. 

The Action Bible: Faith in Action Edition 

For my grandson who absolutely loves video games and superheroes, I can’t wait to watch him flip through this Bible and watch his wheels spin as he learns about the heroes of the faith. This Bible is full of vibrant illustrations that are sure to keep his attention for hours. I love that it even comes with ways to earn badges through its immersive online experience, giving him a safe option to learn even more about God’s Word as he grows. This one will definitely be under the tree this year! 

Mary & Martha – ABC Bible Activity Cards 

Here is another gift I can’t wait to add to their stockings this year. These cards will help them learn their letters while also exploring ways to share their faith. Each flash card features a letter (both capital and lowercase), a Bible verse, and an activity to help them recognize their letters. What a great way to get them to learn and have fun at the same time! 

I also can’t wait to get to know them even more (and see how their answers change as they get older!) with these fun ‘Now We’re Talking’ Conversation Cards for Kids! Since they live about an hour away from us, I plan to keep these in my car so we can have fun conversations on the way to and from their house. It will be fun to get to know them on a deeper level and help them learn how unique God has created each one of us! 

I hope that helps with a few of my favorite gifts to share with little ones. We can’t forget the importance of planting seeds of faith in their hearts and watching them grow in their faith. I’m so thankful I had the foundation built up in me as a child and want nothing more than to pass that legacy on to my kids, their kids and hopefully generations to come! We have such a great selection of gifts for kids at DaySpring, be sure to check them all out to find just what you’re looking for as you share the gift of faith with the kiddos in your life this season!