The Angel's Candle

Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14 NLT

If you are using an advent wreath, light the purple candle of hope, the purple candle of love, the pink candle of joy, and the purple candle of peace. Notice how four candles bring greater light than three.

Peace. Oh, how we long for peace. Peace in our world Peace in our homes. Peace in our churches. Here is the funny/not so funny thing, peace does not equal agreement on all things. It is easy to believe if we all agree, there will be peace. But complete agreement with all people is impossible. We are fallen, each of us. We are selfish, all of us. We are stubborn, all of us. Peace is not found in one another. Peace is not of the mind or in logic. Peace is of the heart and soul. Peace is a position. Peace is resting in the One who sees all, knows all, in all, through all and is all we will ever need.

Peace is found in Jesus.

It is easy to feel like all is lost. To worry about what is happening in our homes and outside our homes. It is easy to long for control, to make everything all better. If it was only as simple as a Band-Aid® and a kiss on a boo-boo. While we can bring peace to one another and do what we can to live peacefully, there will be moments, days, months, or years where things are turned a bit upside down.

The good news is that the One who brings real hope, unconditional love, and pure joy, also offers peace. A peace that passes all understanding and guards our hearts and our minds.

This week as you prepare for Christmas, pray for His peace to be noticeable in your life.

In this together,


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