Seen, Known, Loved

From the moment you learned you were going to be a mother, you knew your life would never be the same! God chose you to be a parent to those precious young ones you call “son” or “daughter,” and He has a plan for your lives that He is working out day by day by day. Motherhood – there's nothing like it. It is a divine calling that shapes lives, nurtures souls, and reveals the depth of a love that knows no bounds. For moms, each day is a journey filled with joy, challenges, laughter, tears, and an unyielding desire to give their best to their children and families. In the midst of this beautiful chaos, it is essential for mothers to find solace, strength, and spiritual nourishment to navigate the various seasons of motherhood with faith and grace.
God has a plan for you, dearest mom. As you embrace the joyous and challenging moments of motherhood with grace, you can begin to view them as opportunities for spiritual growth. During those quiet moments when you spend time with the Lord, allow Him to be your most cherished companion, as He reminds you to lay down your burdens, rest in Him, and remember how valued you are by your heavenly Father.
You are a mom in your own unique way. No one parent is exactly like you, and for that reason, you are uniquely suited to parent your child. You are the knower of small things, of favorites and things not-so-loved. You can empower with a word. You can heal with a hug. You can calm with a look. At times, you struggle to find power and purpose in what you do. It may seem unimportant and unimpressive. It’s easy to look for affirmation that may never come, from husband, kids, coworkers, or friends. It’s a good thing we have a God who adores and affirms moms.
We have a God who sees motherhood as a valuable calling and in His wisdom gifts us individually. He delights in you personally. He has paired you and prepared you, equipped you and called you, dressed you in His finest armor to face the day with joy. You have no idea how much you influence your world.
At a time of crisis in Israel, God sent an angel to Gideon (Judges 6-7). Gideon was not standing on a stage somewhere, dying to be seen. He wasn’t posting every hour on social media. Gideon was actually hiding, trying to thresh wheat at the bottom of a winepress. He was scared, oppressed, and thoroughly unsure of himself.
But God knew him more deeply. He found Gideon exactly where he was, gave him exactly what he needed for the task at hand, and told him exactly how to succeed. Gideon didn’t understand his value, but God did.
And like him, as long as you are responsive to God right where you are, you will thrive as a mom.
God. Delights. In. You. Yep, you. You, who are weary. You, in the office cubicle. You, who diligently serves the less fortunate. You, who loves being a mom. You are beloved to Him. God delights in His children. The end.
When you feel the weight of not knowing whether you make a difference . . . when you feel the tedium of another day of the same things over and over . . . when you feel the heat of trying to do the very best you can for your family . . . God sees it all, and He reassures you: “Count it all joy, child. I see you. I know you. I can’t wait for you to feel the warmth of My acceptance of you in all its fullness. In the meantime, take comfort in the peace that passes understanding. You are right where you belong—in this home, with this family, and in My heart.”
This devotion was excerpted from DaySpring's Prayer Journal for Moms.
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