Reset Your Home for the New Year

Now that the tinsel is gone and ornaments are tucked away, many of us will go back to business-as-usual with our home décor. But what about trying something new this season? We may have closed our Christmas bins until next winter, but we can open our hearts to celebrate Jesus all year long!

Remember, when He says, “I have come that they might have life,” He doesn’t mean just during the holidays: He means all-the-days. There are many ways to create an inspiring, uplifting atmosphere in our homes after December; even a few simple changes to your home décor theme can help bring more joy and peace to our hearts each day.

So where do we begin? Ask yourself 3 questions:

How has God been speaking to my heart?

How can I encourage my family?

How can I share His truth with others?

First: How has God been speaking to my heart?

Are there particular messages you feel God is giving you in this season of your life—certain themes or verses that are resonating for you? For example, maybe it’s a time when you could use reminders to slow down, or encouragement to step out in faith. Whatever they may be, there are simple and beautiful ways to incorporate Christ-centered inspiration into your daily life. It may be a candle on your night stand or a piece of wall decor that hangs near your favorite chair. Maybe it’s a special cup that greets you each morning with a reminder to “savor every sip of life.” Whether it’s just a few pieces or a whole room transformation, there are so many opportunities to surround ourselves with God’s life-changing truth.

Second: How can I encourage my family?

Who do you share your home with, and how can you help create an atmosphere that lifts them up and reminds them daily of God’s presence?Talk with your family about how they feel in your home. See what messages and images they respond to; maybe have each member choose one uplifting addition to this year’s décor. Adding a theme of family encouragement to your Christian home décor can bring joy year-round.

Third: How can I share His truth with others?

When someone is invited into your home, how do they experience God’s warm and welcoming love? There are many ways to help provide a haven of hospitality, and they don’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. What is the first thing a person sees when they enter your front door? Take some simple opportunities to share His Word with your guests. 

We all know how easy it is to let go and disconnect from the joy of Jesus once the tree is down, our visitors are gone and the Christmas decorations are all put back up in the attic. At DaySpring, we want to encourage you to keep His light in your heart year-round and while decorating your home with Scripture-filled décor is definitely one way to keep His love as a focal point in your life, you might also consider taking on new, faith-strengthening hobbies such as Bible journaling. Or, maybe it’s time to start up that prayer room you’ve been considering for some time. Whatever your goals for the new year may be, it is our hope to provide you with everything you need to draw closer to God over the next 12 months.

Making resolutions this year? Let us help. Take DaySpring’s Word of the Year quiz to find your 2024 Word of the Year - one word that will help you focus on what God is calling you to accomplish in the year ahead. Looking for more inspiration? Check out our Devotional Library and be sure to sign up for our e-newsletter to receive free articles, updates from our Ecard Studio as well as exclusive deals.