Post Holiday Fatigue? 4 Scriptures to Help Restore & Renew

After weeks of whirlwind holiday planning and activities, the holiday season has come to an end. Anyone else feeling less-than-energized? If so, you’re in good company! When post-holiday exhaustion hits, it can be difficult to find motivation. Care to join us for some much-needed rest and rejuvenation?

Here are 4 Scriptures on rest and restoration to help guide us in the coming days:

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 NIV

Whatever holiday transition looks like for you—boxes of half-put-away ornaments, counters full of dishes, or maybe just a neglected to-do list—there’s likely something crying for your attention. Try giving yourself a little break every once in a while: stop right in the midst of whatever you’re doing—stand, sit, or lie still—and just breathe in God’s peace. Recall His Word in Psalm 46:10. Remind yourself that whatever’s making life feel hectic today, it will get done—eventually. It’ll work out. It’ll be ok. And best of all, it’s not in your hands (even if you’d like to think so!). Let go, and let God work through the rhythm of your life to accomplish what’s needed in His time.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 NIV

The post-holiday season can be a challenging time to keep the “heavenly peace” going in our homes (and hearts!). It’s likely the kids have had way more sugar than they’re used to, we’re all running on little sleep after some late nights, and we’re thrust back into our weekly school and work routines. We may be more likely to snap at one another or say things we don’t mean in moments of frustration. Why not introduce a new post-holiday theme this year called Space & Grace? Hang a sign, tack it up on the fridge, or remind one another during daily prayer. We all need some healthy personal space and extra grace for one another as the season winds down. Sure, it doesn’t thwart every post-holiday argument, but it does bring us a little more peace as we settle back into daily life.

Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV

We often wrap up the season with a New Year’s resolution or two focused on trying harder, doing more, or being better at something. What about a different kind of commitment this year? Once a day (or week, or whatever feels realistic) commit to setting aside a few moments for some holy imagination. Find a little time—maybe after the morning rush or as you’re drifting off to sleep at night—to close your eyes and envision a real connection with Jesus. What does it look like for you to receive the love and peace He longs to give you? Envision this beautiful place, laying your head on His shoulder, just being held without words or expectations. Maybe create a sketch or capture a photo that communicates Matthew 11:28 to your heart. Place it somewhere and remind yourself often to respond to His invitation of rest.

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV

For some of us, the after-Christmas blues can be hard to shake. We may be exhausted or disappointed that the holiday “break” is over. We may be dealing with the aftermath of far-from-perfect family gatherings; difficult relationships can often take their toll.

Whatever it is, we can rest assured that God always has a Word for our hearts. As Christmas decorations come down, why not consider a few new ways to surround yourself with His words of encouragement? There may not be an “official” season to celebrate for a while, but there’s always a reason to rejoice. Check out our Scripture-filled home decor and desktop/office supplies; they can be simple reminders throughout the day of God’s presence with you. Whether it’s a holiday or any day, we can celebrate the beautiful truth of John 1:14 NIV: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”

At DaySpring, it is our goal to give you all the tools and resources you need to Live Your Faith year round (not just during the holiday season). We are looking forward to walking alongside you in the new year in your post-holiday fatigue, through the winter blues, into spring, summer, and beyond. Whatever life might bring with it this year, be sure to lean into God’s Word and join us as we continue to come up with new, fresh, inspiring ways to experience and express the life-changing message of God’s love.

Making resolutions this year? Let us help. Take DaySpring’s Word of the Year quiz to find your 2025 Word of the Year - one word that will help you focus on what God is calling you to accomplish in the year ahead.

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