God is With You in the Storm

One afternoon, I left home for a brief walk. The gusting winds should have prompted me to turn around, but I pressed on. The sun was out, and the weather was uncharacteristically warm, so I was surprised when big, springtime raindrops began dotting the ground around me.
Getting out of the rain wasn’t an option. As the clouds rolled across the sky into a charcoal gray, I hustled back toward home. My hoodie and pants collected heaven’s water, making each step a little heavier and more uncomfortable to take. The rain had only begun minutes before, but I wanted out. Storms are uncomfortable. They make us think scary thoughts. Every few steps, I’d glance up at the sky, entertaining catastrophic thoughts like what would happen if lightning struck while my keys were in my pocket.
As the fear of the storm nipped at my heart and fast-falling raindrops puddled around my feet, I was reminded of the promise that no matter what I face, God is always with me.
The storms of life often catch us unaware. The rains of life fall on us all. It’s not a punishment from God, rather a reality of living in our fallen world. As much as we want out of the storm, God knows that we get stronger when we endure through it with Him by our side.
When the storm feels unbearable, remembering these truths will help you get
through it:
You are not alone. Take a next step.
God is with you and for you. Take one more step.
Your storm won’t last forever. You can do this.
Don’t let fear make you forget God’s promises. Keep going until you get through it.
I WILL BE WITH YOU.” Isaiah 43:2 NLT
This is an excerpt from 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle from (in)courage. If you are looking for more inspiration on encouragement, you can browse our article library today.
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