Tips for Creating an Outdoor Worship Space

When George Washington Carver said, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in,” he was giving words to what many of us experience in the great outdoors—a unique connection with our Creator that inspires praise and gratitude for Him and His beautiful creation. We can harness the uplifting quality of nature with an outdoor worship space. Just think of how God’s beautiful gifts surrounding us will amplify our experience with Him in prayer or conversation.
Have you ever considered creating an outdoor space for prayer and worship? Or moving your church service or small group gathering to a natural setting just to change things up? If you’re up for some new ways of experiencing God’s presence in the out-of-doors, read on!
Designate a Sacred Space
Romans 1:20 NIV says that God’s “eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” since the creation of the world. And Psalm 33:5 NIV reminds us that “earth is full of His unfailing love.” Throughout history, followers of Christ have witnessed this and carved out spaces in nature to meet with Him.
You might choose a beautiful garden stone to mark your sacred space. Or maybe you love the sound of windchimes. Why not hang some on a nearby branch or structure to allow the natural rhythm of the wind soothe and inspire you?
Plant a Graceful Garden
A prayer garden is another wonderful way of connecting with God in His creation. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just want to try planting a few things this year, the very act of gardening can be a beautiful, prayerful way of co-creating with the Father. And in the end, you’ll provide a haven for you and those you love. Consider finding ways to incorporate words and Scriptures into your garden space. It could be as simple as a few meaningful verses posted on small wooden signs—choose whatever personal touches that will inspire your heart the most.
Create a Place To Gather Together
What about moving a church service or small group gathering to an outdoor space one time? Trying something new and different can help open our hearts to new experiences of God’s love for us. All it takes is a nice day, the right amount of sitting space, and a willing crowd. Add a few simple wildflower bouquets to help set the tone. Choose some inspirational decor for an extra special touch to your outdoor worship service. Who knows? It may become a regular outing you all look forward to.
Consider an Indoor Refresh
As Moses learned when he encountered the burning bush in the desert, any place can become holy ground when God is present. If you aren’t able to make it out into nature, remember He’s willing to meet you anywhere. Why not bring some little reminders of His creation indoors? Place a few coffee mugs with inspiring messages near a favorite chair and keep them filled with bright flowers. Wear a bit of nature-inspired jewelry to bring His gifts from outdoors into every day. Even an inspirational calendar or artwork above your desk that features God’s creation can awaken your heart to His presence whenever you look at it.
Whatever you choose, remember: what God has given, we are meant to share. Use your new outdoor worship space and faith-filled, nature-inspired indoor area not only for personal prayer and refreshment, but as an opportunity to bless others. Invite them into your experience and enjoy meeting Him together in beautiful new ways.
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