
Your word of the year is confidence! So what does that mean for your 2023 and beyond? Let's take a look at how we find our confidence and value in God and His Word, not in the world.

Who do you think you are?” 

As you’re breaching your comfort zone or treading new territory, has this question ever crossed your mind? It’s almost second nature for us to question ourselves when we live in a world that attaches labels and stamps identities on us that God never gave us. A million different sources are duking it out for your attention. And while this is not your fault, it is your responsibility. It’s your job to become who God has called you to be. No one else can do it for you. 

Out of who you are flows what you do. And the only way to know what you’re created for is to consult with the One who created you.  

Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:4-10 

One primary way Satan seeks to undermine you is through lies about your value. He’ll cause you to question your worth and second-guess your significance so that you either labor for significance or wallow in defeat.  

When we believe Satan’s lies, we rely on our own ways of determining our value. We inevitably tally up our deficiencies, which causes us to either overwork to compensate for them or give up altogether. That’s because we will always strive if our basis for “valuable” is subjective. We can’t base our enough-ness on our ever-changing feelings. 

We often hear that we’re sinners and our good works are filthy rags in the sight of God. But what we don’t hear much about is our value to God. Think about it. No one pays $20,000 for a $5,000 car. We only pay money to the level of value we view something. Realize that God paid the highest price He could have paid for us. God reflects His love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He proved to us that we have infinite, immeasurable, insurmountable value to Him. 

But the truth is that God doesn’t base your value on how good you look, how well you perform, how smart you seem, how much Bible you know, or even how you feel about yourself. Through Christ, you retain objective value. Nothing can threaten it. You can put all your confidence in the objective worth of Jesus. The next time you feel like you’re not valuable, remind yourself that your worth isn’t up for negotiation. Your value is fixed in Christ.  

You are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light. I PETER 2:9 NLT 

To be confident in the Lord is to know that you are valuable and worthy to Him. God wants us to have confidence in life! Not boastful, arrogant pride, but an assured knowledge of who we are in Him. Our self-worth should be seen through His eyes and His Word. 

This year, allow yourself to find your confidence and your value in Him, not in the world. He is always with you, and because of that, you can face anything that life brings your way. DaySpring has products and resources just for you to help you stay confident in your worth in God in 2023. Start each morning in His Word with the new Wide Margin Filament Bible from the DaySpring Signature Collection and pick up a devotional journal like 100 Days of Life-Changing Confidence that will keep your mind and heart focused on Him each day. Surround yourself with every day items that can keep your word top of mind like the You’re Enough Morse Code Necklace, or the I Can Do All Thins Through Christ Bullet Journal. 

Looking for more? DaySpring has hundreds of products and resources to help you experience and express the life-changing message of God's love.