Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. I CORINTHIANS 9:25 NIV 

For weeks it was all he could talk about. Ever since his dad had taken him to see his first hockey game, the twelve-year-old boy was convinced he’d become the next all-star hockey athlete. “Why don’t we start with watching some videos so you can get a feel for the rules of the sport?” his dad suggested, pleased to see his son passionate about his new pursuit. His dad sent him the links and signed him up for in-person lessons at their local ice skating rink. 

But one step onto the ice and the boy’s bravery melted. After immediately falling onto his back, it took a full minute just to figure out how to stand up. Steadying himself against the wall, he tried to work his way around the rink but eventually bolted out the closest exit and removed his ice skates. “I just like watching it better,” he muttered to his dad, frowning in frustration. 

In a culture that sensationalizes professional athletes and musicians, it’s common to covet their abilities. We dream of making it big like them if we can just get our big break too. But it’s easy to overlook the years of study, preparation, and practice that brought on so much success. 

The same may be even truer in spiritual matters. We say we want to be strong Christians. We hope to live a life of impact. But intimacy with God and knowledge of His ways won’t happen if we don’t go all in with Him, learning and applying what He says. God doesn’t allow for spectator Christianity. If we intend to be true followers of Jesus, we will not only watch what He does and listen for His direction, but we will also consistently put in the work to train for success. As we build our lives on His firm foundation, we’ll be ready to take on life’s difficulties with His truth, grace, and power. 

Lord, I admit that I’ve been lazy in my relationship with You, content to just get by instead of pressing in to study Your Word and walk moment by moment with You. Would you please change me and help me to obey everything You say? In Jesus’s name. 

This is an excerpt from True Sweetness: Growing in the Fruits of the Spirit – a devotional now available on DaySpring.com. Shop all books, journals, and devotions from DaySpring here.