What Does God Want?

"What do you want?" We might be asking the question out of genuine concern, or a desire to please, or even a feeling of exasperation. The tone of voice says it all when we're talking to one another, as well as when we're talking with God.

Prompted by anxiety over our relationship with God, we urge Him to tell us clearly what we can do to win His favor. Or hoping to impress Him, we perform a self-concocted sacrificial feat. Or because we don't know how many good deeds are sufficient for Him, we scream in frustration, "God, what do you want?" His answer? "To live within you." Yes, that's all. When we allow His Spirit to actively nourish, direct, and develop our lives, everything else falls into place. He loved us first, so we have no need to worry about our worthiness. He has a joyful and purposeful plan for our lives, so we don't have to think up something extraordinary to do, or tally up all the good deeds we've done hoping to impress Him.

What does God want? Simply to have a living relationship with you and bless you with His presence and love.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.

Romans 5:11 NLT


This was an excerpt from Shouts of Joy–a book designed to remind you of the goodness of your heavenly Father.