Trust Made Simple

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”—JOHN 13:7 NIV 

God is more concerned with our trust than our talent...more committed to our character than our career...and more interested in obedience than sacrifice. Because of our desire to get what we want when we want it, though, we naturally tend to rush the process and attempt to put God on our timeline. We set our expectations high, create our own schedule, and start racing toward that finish line. Then, when our expectations aren’t met, we feel frustrated because we haven’t met our goals. But there is something God wants more than your speed, hard work, or mighty efforts.

God wants your TRUST—(T)otal (R)eliance (U)pon (S)piritual (T)iming. Not easy, right? Instead, we want to orchestrate. We want to direct. We want to control. And we want answers! However, the truth is that we simply don’t know what’s best for us. We certainly don’t have heaven’s elevated view. And if we’re acting in haste, we can get in the way of God’s intended blessings for us. Trusting God is trusting His timing and believing that you can rely upon Him in both the wait and the pursuit. God is never late. He is always on time. 

How has trusting God’s timing been a struggle for you? What might God be trying to teach you in the process? 

Lord, thank You for being more concerned with my being than with my doing. Equip me with an unshakable level of trust in You and Your timing. You are perfect in every way. AMEN. 

Marshawn Evans Daniels 
100 Days of Believing Bigger 

Looking for more inspiration? You can find hope & encouragement in God’s Word every day with the new DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible now available.