Today Is Your Best Day Because You Serve The Lord: God’s Servant

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing. PSALM 100:2 KJV

You have so much to rejoice in today, so much to be glad for, so much to give praise for, and so much for your faith to celebrate. Today you have the awesome opportunity to serve the Lord. Think of it: The God who is majestic, all-powerful, altogether lovely, and altogether worthy wants to use you to reach out and touch others for His glory.

As God’s servant you are in His hands as He conforms and transforms you into His image. In His hands, your life is the voice that speaks His words to those who need to know the truth; the hand that extends His love and mercies to those who are hurting; the example that demonstrates His kingdom to those who need to know the way. Today you have been given the awesome privilege of being used by Him and living for Him as you serve Him in your God-given place.

Today you are the bond servant of the righteous Master, the ambassador of the great King, and the messenger of the eternal Word. As His servant, you live for His approval, look for His smile, and labor for His glory. Your eyes are fixed upon His face, your heart is fixed upon His will, your ears are fixed upon His voice, and your life is fixed upon His pleasure.

As God’s servant you are in His hands as He conforms and transforms you into His image.


This is an excerpt from Because of Jesus by Roy Lessin. Shop our books to read more devotions just like this one.