Today Is Your Best Day Because Christ is in You

For it has pleased God to tell His people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in His glory. COLOSSIANS 1:27 NLT

One of the glorious things about the Christian life is that God not only places you in Christ, but Christ also comes to live in you. It is one thing to be standing in a river and enjoy its benefits as it washes and refreshes you; it as another thing to have the river in you as a result of drinking from its waters. When the river is in you, you receive benefits that differ from the benefits you receive when you are standing in the river. The water now becomes a part of your being as it nourishes your body and supplies it with the minerals it needs to survive.

Being in Christ means that you receive the benefits of all that He has done for you through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension; Christ being in you means that you receive the benefits of His presence, His character, and His nature within you.

God is not asking you to act like Jesus today. He is asking you to surrender to Jesus and trust Him completely to be your life today. Letting Jesus be Jesus in you and through you makes this your best day. Trying to act like Jesus will only wear you down and tire you out. Expecting your efforts to be fruitful would be like cutting a branch off an apple tree and expecting it to grow apples. The reason an apple tree grows apples is because everything in an apple tree is designed for apples—within the sap is the life of every apple.

Think of this one truth as you go through this day: “Everything that is good, wise, loving, righteous, true, wonderful, kind, and caring is in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is living His life in me.”

God is not asking you to act like Jesus today. He is asking you to surrender to Jesus and trust Him completely to be your life today.


This is an excerpt from Because of Jesus by Roy Lessin. Shop our books to read more devotions just like this one.