The Significant Habit of Faith

[Jesus said,] “For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible.” MATTHEW 17:20 TLB 

Nothing is impossible with God. There isn’t a single mountain in our life, Everest or otherwise, that can stand against seed-sized faith and the power of God. Tranquility, prayer, and the tests and trials we go through can build that kind of mountain-shifting faith in us. 

Trials grow our patience, and patience has a good work to do in all of us. Expectations become stumbling blocks to our faith when we don’t have the patience to trust God. We pray and believe, then decide what the answers should be and when they’ll come. Trusting God with our whole heart means waiting patiently for the mountain to move— in His perfect time and in the best way. 

Prayer fortifies our faith and discourages the desire to control situations we need to surrender to God. Communication and trust are foundations of every relationship, most importantly the one we have with our heavenly Father. Distractions keep us from getting close, hearing clearly, or growing strong spiritually. The only thing God will ever speak to us is truth. The more grounded we are in truth, the less wobbly we are in life! 

Consistently making time for God is better than feeling pressured to plan a certain amount of time at a precise time every day. Our days change, our schedules vary, and our energy fluctuates. It isn’t hard to determine when we need a few minutes to shore up our faith. When we need it is when we should take it. Making a habit of keeping it simple is the best way to keep it a priority. Step outside. Close the door. Make a cup of tea. Close your eyes and stretch. Walk around the building, the yard, or the block. Make faith building a simple, significant habit. God will meet you there with grace to sustain you, truth to strengthen you, and love to lift you. 

Dear God, I need time with You to be strong, patient, courageous, and trusting. Your words fill me with faith and give me confidence to face whatever the day holds. 

This is an excerpt from The Mountains are Calling: 90 Devotions for Peace & Solitudea devotional journal now available on Shop all books, journals, and devotions from DaySpring here.