The Proclamation of Praise: Courage

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you ... "
And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you.

He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed."
Deuteronomy 31:6–8 NKJV

Reflect on this statement, inspired by today’s Scripture, and let it guide you into prayer:

I ask that each of my children will be strong, all of them walking with You. May their courage be unwavering, their obedience complete, and their purpose certain.


I thank You, Lord, that You are the mighty God—all powerful and without limitation—and there are no impossibilities to what You can do. I pray that my children will find their strength in Your strength, and that they may live victorious lives because You have gone

before them and conquered every foe.

May my children's hands be joined in Yours, touching as You touch; may their feet follow Your footsteps, moving as You move; may their hearts be one with Yours, feeling as You feel; may their wills be one with Your will, working as You work.

I ask that each of my children will be strong, all of them walking with You. May their courage be unwavering, their obedience complete, and their purpose certain. Lord, assure them that they will never need to walk in fear or doubt. They can be courageous because You go with them. You will not fail them, nor will You forsake them.

They can be courageous because You go with them.


This was an excerpt from Prayers of Promise: God’s Life-Changing Promises to Pray Over Your Children by Roy Lessin— a book designed to guide you in prayer over your children.