The Impact of Courage: Protection

You, O LORD, are a shield for me,

My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head.

With my voice I was crying to the LORD,

and He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah.

I lay down and slept [safely];

I awakened, for the LORD sustains me.

Psalm 3:3-5 AMP

Reflect on this statement, inspired by today’s Scripture, and let it guide you into prayer:

Thank You, Lord, for being our hiding place, our safe place, and our shielded place. Thank You for being the defender and the protector of my children. I pray for their safety today, knowing that the ministry of Your protective angels will be around them.


Thank You, Lord, for being our hiding place, our safe place, and our shielded place. Thank You for being the defender and the protector of my children. I thank You for their safety today, knowing that the ministry of Your protective angels will be around them.

I ask for Your encouragement to be with them, Your hope to be in them, and Your grace to be upon them. If they are burdened, lighten their load; if they are troubled, calm their storm; if they are discouraged, lift their spirits; if they are unsure, strengthen their faith; if they are weary, renew their strength; if they are perplexed, guide their way; if they are unsteady, be their rock; if they are tempted, make a way of escape; if they lack understanding, be their wisdom; and if they doubt Your love, reveal Your heart.

Thank You for allowing me to call upon You knowing, with all certainty, that You hear my words, know my heart, and answer my prayers.

You are my glory Psalm 3:3 NLT


This was an excerpt from Prayers of Promise: God’s Life-Changing Promises to Pray Over Your Children by Roy Lessin— a book designed to guide you in prayer over your children.