Take Him at His Word

Fear is unbelief, that is, not believing God. Put another way, fear contradicts God, so when we succumb to it, it’s no wonder we’re so miserable! Any state of mind or being that opposes God takes us out of the comfort of His grace and into anxiety-ridden, hellish existence. This is why, when we don’t believe God and take Him at His Word, we become anxious, sick, discouraged, angry, panicked, and consumed with worry. Fear isn’t particular about which of these symptoms we have, it just makes sure at least one, if not all, resides in us.

Let us follow Abraham’s lead and believe God. Let us take Him at face value. Trust Him in all areas of life. Especially, let’s believe He is for us. His love is real, and His Word is truth. We just have to believe.

Does God give you the Spirit and work miracles among you by your doing the works of the law? Or is it by believing what you heard – just like Abraham who believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness? You know, then, that those who have faith, these are Abraham’s sons. (Galatians 3:5-7)

If some unbelieving outsiders walk in on a service where people are speaking out God’s truth, the plain words will bring them up against the truth and probe their hearts. Before you know it, they’re going to be on their faces before God, recognizing that God is among you. (I Corinthians 14:25 MSG)

Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness. (Romans 4:3)

Lord, I do believe – at certain times, when I’m completely focused on You, and after a prayer has been answered. I need help believing in the in-between times, when You seem silent or I get preoccupied. I love You and want the faith to believe all the time, just like Abraham.


This is an excerpt from 100 Days of Faith Over Fear by Lisa Stilwell - a brand new devotional book released by DaySpring publishing.  Learn more about this book, or shop other books and devotionals from DaySpring.