Silence Ushers in the Light

My soul, wait in silence for God alone, for my hope is from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my refuge; I will not be shaken. PSALM 62:5–6 NASB 

Silence tends to scare us. Despite our pleas for quiet and our desperation to hear God, we often reach for some kind of noise to fill the airwaves. Whether through podcasts, music, phone calls, or Netflix, we feel the silence approaching and fear loneliness will be accompanying it. Silence would require us to be alone with our thoughts, and the things we have been avoiding or anxious about would have to surface. 

However, this quiet can be our best friend. It allows us to slow down the avalanche of anxiety and deal with the root of how our mind arrived at this place. Turning down the volume of all the voices that surround us gives us the capability to turn up the affirmation, guidance, and clarity of our Savior. We usually don’t even realize how loud our lives are until we experience the luxury of stillness. Just being with Jesus. Sitting, listening, leaning in to drink from His well and discover His heart. It is this time with Him that gives us the wisdom to speak into the lives of others and have direction for our own future. It is this discipline of being at His feet that helps us prioritize what is important and establish healthy rhythms for all areas of our lives, not just the spiritual. 

Radiance is the result of developing an inner sanctuary. This deep attitude of the heart is not merely a place but a posture that becomes portable with every step we take. Outwardly, we may be tending to our everyday, mundane tasks, but inwardly we can be praying, talking to Jesus, or worshiping in song and dance. The countenance of our soul becomes pleasant and fulfilled as we delight ourselves in Him. 

And how do we cultivate this inner sanctuary? By quieting the noise, clearing the clutter, and sitting at the feet of our heavenly Father. We do not have to be loud for our souls to speak loudly of Jesus. As we discipline ourselves to listen to truth, His promises will radiate hope into our lives. And this hope will provide the sacred space we were longing for—to be a people who remain a light in the darkness and hold tightly to the love of an everlasting Father. 

Hey Jesus, thank You for reminding me that silence is not the absence of You but rather the space where I can finally hear You speak. Show me how to cultivate this inner sanctuary and develop a posture of peace, regardless of my circumstances. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Cleere Cherry Reaves 
Radiate: 90 Devotions to Reflect the Light of Jesus 

Looking for more inspiration? You can find hope & encouragement in God’s Word every day with the new DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible now available for pre-order.