Say No to Say Yes!

“Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’” MATTHEW 5:37 ESV 

Are you familiar with the power of no? 

We’ve chatted a bit about making a deliberate choice to say no to some things in order to build margin into your life. But I want us to push even further to harness the power of no. Because if your plate is filled with too many yesses—Yes, I’ll drive someone to that event. Yes, I’ll set up the room before small group. Yes, I can work the fundraising event. Yes, I can design that logo. Yes, I can make those calls. There isn’t room for the yes that has your name on it. 

In order to create space to say yes to the thing that has your name on it, you have to exercise bravery to say no! And sometimes it really does take courage, doesn’t itIt takes courage to say no to something that’s a worthy cause. It takes courage to say no to something that you’re gifted at doing. And it can take a lot of courage when you have to say that no to someone you love and respect: a friend, a parent, a pastor. 

So this is me, encouraging you, to harness the power of no, because I’m convinced that it is exactly what frees you up to say a good solid yes to what God has for you. 

Review the commitments in your life right now—and any others you might be considering—and ask God to help you sort them into those you should continue and those you can release. 

Lord, I trust that You are the One who is guiding my steps. Give me insight into what I can release, courage to do it, and the wisdom to say yes to the opportunities with my name on them. Amen.