It's Really You!

Few of us feel good coming across as someone we're not. While we might believe we need to pad the resume to get the job, or exaggerate our accomplishments to impress our friends, a knot in the stomach reminds us that we're being less than truthful. We'd rather live authentically, in sync with our real selves.


So who are we, anyway? In the Bible, God tells us that He created us to love Him and serve others. Although humankind's original holiness has crumbled under the onslaught of sin, His Spirit working within us begins the work of turning our hardened hearts to soft, gentle, and yielding hearts. Hearts consumed with self to hearts enamored with Him. Hearts fearful of appearing weak and vulnerable to hearts that know true strength and confidence come from Him.


Your feelings do not describe the real you, but God does. The words He uses include beloved, blessed, forgiven, cherished, called to faith, and forever loved by Him. If you want to know who you really are, immerse yourself in His words. If you want to be in sync with your authentic self, live in Him.


You died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.

Colossians 3:3 NLT



God made you unique and sees you as you truly are. All of us at DaySpring hope this devotion reminds you of His love for you today. Read more about our good Father in Shouts of Joy.