Hope Gives Courage

Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness. (II Corinthians 3:12 CSB)

Father, knowing I am covered by Your grace and free from the weight of sin helps me to live with abandon. Knowing that even when I misstep – because I will – I am free of condemnation. This lifts the weight that performance-centered living brings. My hope for spending eternity with You shines brighter than ever and instills the courage I need for carrying out Your purpose for my life – mistakes and all. Help me to extend the same grace toward others so that they, too, can know the freedom that hope in You brings. Amen.

This is an excerpt from A Prayer a Day for Hope and Encouragement from DaySpring. If you are enjoying this series, you can purchase the book to experience 365 days of prayers and Scripture for hope and encouragement.