Good for You

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. ROMANS 8:28 ESV 

As a child, you might have believed the possibilities for your life and who you could become were endless. Then, life happened, keeping you from investing in the reality of your hopes and dreams. You encountered your first heartbreak, a very real and painful disappointment. Perhaps there was an unmet expectation for how things should look in this season of your life. A difficult situation has caused you to question or redefine how God wired you. Maybe a bad decision has hindered you from honoring your life because of shame. Whatever the case may be, you’ve gotten off track with the plans that God desires for your life, and even more, you know you are not staying true to the girl He designed you to be. 

This exploration is giving you the opportunity to remember that girl and imagine who she—and you!—can become. Your present does not have to be determined by the experiences of your past. It’s not too late to get back on track with the girl in youIt’s not too late to believe that a uniquely beautiful life is yours if only you will decide to live it. God has something in store for you, but it’s going to take you responding to this opportunity to receive it. 

Do you believe in your deep places that God is working good together for you? 

As you imagine a good future, recall the girl you once were. What about that girl would you like for God to weave into who you are becoming today? 

Father, I believe in my bones that I belong to You and that You are working all things together for my good. Show me who I am, in You. Amen.