God's Peace

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” MATTHEW 5:9 KJV 

While relationships can sometimes be difficult, we can be grateful that God has provided His peace for our lives – and He says that His peace surpasses all our human understanding could ever comprehend. Peace with God and peace with others—that is what His Spirit can bring to our lives as we ask Him into our relationships. When other people are unkind, when they say or do things that upset you, that break your trust or even your heart, being a peacemaker, as Jesus asks, may seem impossible. But when you confess to the Lord all your hurt, all your anger, and all your pain, He will come into your heart and help you to forgive, to live in peace with Him, with others, and even with yourself. 

What blessings of peace have you enjoyed? What relationships has God restored in your life? Think of the delight that has come into your heart because of peace. In what past situations did you reach out to turn anger into agreement? With an attitude of gratitude, thank the Lord for helping you resolve past conflicts and for the fruits of joy and growth that have come from those relationships. Thank Him for the times you spend free from fear and hostility. And thank Him for the future reconciliation in your current broken relationships.  

Remember that God has called you to be a peacemaker. He wants you, as far as it is possible for you, to live as a peacemaker, bringing restoration and calm to all places where there is discord and disagreement. As you work toward living amicably and in unity with everyone you can, God will also work peace into your soul and spirit. Through obedience to God’s Word and a desire to bring harmony to all your relationships, you can become a peacemaker! 

God is present today, and He is listening to you as you pray for peace in every area of your life. Thank Him for His help and the ability to resolve conflicts. Ask Him for creative solutions to mend old bridges and build new ones, connecting people with each other and with God. Pray for peace in all your interactions; peace with your family and friends; peace at work with your superiors and your colleagues; peace in every area, every aspect, and every relationship in your life. And give thanks to God when He brings it to pass. 


God, I praise You for Your peace, which surpasses all understanding. Your peace overcomes all circumstances, all fear and doubts. God, I worship You for giving me the ability to be a peacemaker. I praise You for calling me Your child. I know that You love me and that You have already provided a resolution to all conflict. Amen. 

This is an excerpt from Morning Gratitude: Inspiring Moments to Start Your Day by Pray.com a devotional now available on DaySpring.com. Shop all books, journals, and devotions from DaySpring here.