Follow His Lead

Is God leading you somewhere new? Is He using this season of fewer distractions and increased devotion to move you out of complacency and onto a different path? Even if you are terrified by what God seems to be whispering in your heart, it is truly amazing to realize that the God of this universe has a unique plan for your life. It is incredible to hear His call to serve Him in a specific way, as well as recognizing all the ways He’s been preparing you for such a time and purpose as this.

Let’s take time to thank Jesus for all the ways He’s prepared us for the calling He’s given us. Let’s thank Him for fulfilling His own calling so well – the mission of coming to save us all. Let’s thank Him for wanting to use us in His grand plan, for wanting to take us on the greatest adventure we could imagine. And let’s thank Him for giving us the courage and strength and wisdom we will need every step of the way.

This is an excerpt from Journey to the Cross: Forty Days to Prepare Your Heart for Easter, from the (in)courage community. If you are enjoying this series, you can purchase the book to experience forty days of encouragement and guided Scripture, reflections, and prayers.