Fill Your Soul

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” JOHN 10:10 NIV
You’ve got to brush your teeth. You need to do the laundry. And taking out the garbage when it’s stinky? Well, that’s another one of those non-negotiables.
There are things in life we need to do that we might not love. But every day we can begin to make choices for things that fill our souls. No matter what requisite responsibilities we have—changing out our homes’ HVAC filters or changing a baby’s diapers or changing the oil in our car—we can also engage in soul-filling tasks that bring us life. We can make choices that help us to thrive.
For me, it’s candles. I can choose to burn a linen-scented candle in the kitchen. For you it might be starting your day with a forty-five-minute walk with a friend. Or you might find life when you create colorful beaded earrings. One of the biggest mind shifts in this journey is really a simple one: you can choose to create a life you love.
Yes, you’ll still need to get that garbage to the curb. But throughout the day there are countless choices you can make to live abundantly.
What are the little things that bring you joy? Make a big list and then commit to embracing one of those this week.
Jesus, I believe that You came so that we could have life to the full. Continue to show me how to make little life-giving choices every day. Amen.
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