
Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t. (ROMANS 12:6 THE MESSAGE)

As hard as it may be to believe, what God is doing in the lives of others has absolutely nothing to do with what He is seeking to do in you! Comparison cripples our confidence and compromises our calling. When we obsess about what others are doing, more limiting beliefs enter our mind and the spirit of fear gets to whispering: “You’re not doing enough. You’re behind. It’s too late. You’re not as talented. Your life isn’t as pretty. You don’t have enough. You just aren’t enough.” Media images stir up the spirit of comparison every day. We see airbrushed images of children who don’t cry and women who wake up with perfect lashes, flawless skin, and lots of vacations. While you’re working, trying to pay the bills, keep the kids from tearing each other apart, and somehow squeeze in a bath, it seems as if everyone else is living a perfect life. Remember, the enemy will indeed use anything to exploit an insecurity that already exists. The other danger of comparison is ego. It can lead to competition and arrogance. We can start to feel like we’re better than others because our life seems to be better. Or, in an attempt to keep up, we start thriving, proving, and showing off. No matter how you slice it or dice it, there is nothing good that comes from comparison. God wants us to look up, not around.

How has comparison crippled your courage, clarity, or confidence?


Lord, keep my eyes focused on You and on the plans You have for me. I will embrace my lane, my gifts, and my assignment. Amen.

This is an excerpt from 100 Days of Believing Bigger by Marshawn Evans Daniels - a devotional book releasing on September 22nd by DaySpring publishing. Learn more about this book, or shop other books & devotionals from DaySpring.