Comforting Truth

Today, take comfort in the fact that God, who walked this earth and experienced the same hard roads of life we all travel, knows all about your worries, your dreams, and your life. Because He knows and is powerful enough to help you, His Spirit in you can comfort you in the very moment you need it most.

Whenever you feel the coldness of this world pressing in on you, wrap your fearful, shelter-seeking heart up tight in the comfort of God’s presence. Remember, He not only sees and understands, but He also waits to envelop you in the warmth of His promise never to leave your side. Your God will go with you to comfort and protect you in all you face today and every day. You are able to brave the cold outside, because His love will keep you warm.

The Lord says, "I am the one who comforts you."

Isaiah 51:12

This message is an excerpt from the book Waking Up to Grace.