Bigger and Better

Have you ever thrown your hands in the air and given up? Most of us have at some point! There's the bright idea that dimmed considerably once we started pursuing it. The perfect solution that wasn't quite as doable as we had imagined. The skill we thought we'd easily pick up, but required more time and effort than we were prepared to spend on it. So we abandoned these efforts and went on to bigger and better things.

Would God ever do the same thing when it comes to loving us? He created humankind in perfect holiness, but we willfully and deliberately separated ourselves from Him. Our decisions and choices stray from His divine will for our lives. The natural joy we could have had possessed is possible now only through His work in us. If we were in God's place, we would have given up long ago! We'd create something bigger, something better! But His love compels His continued commitment to us, and He will never give up on us.

God will never give up on you, and He's not put off by whatever shadows have crossed your heart. There's nothing bigger, nothing better, than His love for you!

Your constant love is my guide; your faithfulness always leads me.

Psalm 26:3 GNT


For more encouraging devotionals, like this one, we invite you to read Shouts of Joy—a book designed to remind all of the goodness of their heavenly Father.