Be Gentle With Yourself

No one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. EPHESIANS 5:29 

We can be so hard on ourselves. Those of us who are moms might experience “mom guilt”. There are others of us who are hard on ourselves concerning how often we are exercising and have a negative image of our bodies. The ways we criticize ourselves are endless and hurtful. 

One of the greatest things is, God made each of us unique, with special talents, and there will never be anyone else like us. We are all made beautiful, just the way we are—inside and out! When we shame ourselves, we shame what God has made. That’s pretty hard to swallow, right? It is difficult to treat ourselves with kindness when we focus on how we compare with others. Let’s try focusing on how God sees us instead. 


What are you really good at? What makes you feel beautiful? What’s an accomplishment that you are proud of? Today, thank God for these things and ask Him to help you see yourself the way He sees you: beautiful, precious, and loved. Just as you are. 

This is an excerpt from Go For It: Boldly Live the Life God Created For You by Melissa Horvath a new devotional journal now available for pre-order on Shop all books, journals, and devotions from DaySpring here.