A Prayer for Unity
I feel confident that this never happens at your house. But on occasion, my husband and I disagree. Only on occasion. I won’t describe exactly how often those occasions occur during a week. You can use your imagination or perhaps relate the number of occasions to the events of your own relationships. And there are often times when I strongly disagree with the actions of my children. For example, when they leave their clothes lying on the bathroom floor. Or when they leave toothpaste in the bathroom sink. Or when they leave all the lights on upstairs but no one is up there to enjoy those lights. Obviously I am the parent and so the children are expected to adapt their behavior to the house rules, which are designed to produce character and provide an enjoyable, acceptable environment for all living in the household. But back to the disagreements of my husband and myself, we love each other deeply. We’re madly in love and totally crazy about each other. However, disagreements mean we work on solutions. You see if we don’t have unity in our home, there will be no peace. If we don’t have unity in our relationship, there will be no respect. If we don’t have unity in our family, there will be no true love.
From prison, Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and reminded them of the importance of unity. Check out what he says:
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:1-6 ESV
In 6 verses, the word “one” is used 7 times. Wow, Paul really emphasized unity in the church! Isn’t it interesting how he describes the way it is achieved? We might think that big fanfare would be indicated for something so important. I find it interesting that Paul didn’t tell the church at Ephesus to host a big rally or conference. He didn’t recommend a social media campaign. No, he simply reminds us to act as Christ did. With a humble and gentle heart, patiently reconciling with each other in love. The enthusiasm and eagerness Paul suggests is in maintaining the unity of the Spirit who wraps us in peace. In other words, we’re to be expending our energy and focus on reconciling our differences between Christian brothers and sisters. Enjoy this prayer for unity among believers.
A Prayer for Unity
Dear Father,Just as it was when Jesus made his home on earth,The world can be a hateful and cruel place.We ask that you would guide our actions as believers.Give us an eagerness to be humble and gentle.Help us have hearts of patience and forbearance.Thank You for the hope we have in You;May Your hope unify our thoughts and decisionsAnd invoke peace through the Spirit.Amen
Is there someone in your life who needs to know that even though you may not agree with them, you love them as a brother or sister in Christ and want God’s best for them? Make it a point to reach across the table today! Perhaps you could start the conversation by sending a free, shareable Ecard - one that features Scripture (something you both believe in). Looking for more inspiration? Browse our entire Devotional Library.
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